Sunday, March 9, 2008

How I met Tim Gunn

I met Tim Gunn back in the day when he worked in the Dean's office of the Corcoran School of Art, now called Corcoran College of Art and Design.

When I applied to the school, my portfolio review meeting was with Tim. Here's one of the drawings I showed him. I was accepted, and that first year, whenever he saw me in the hallways, he used to say, Hello Theresa, in that now famous voice. Tim used to say Hello and use everyone's name....he must have a photographic memory. He was just as he is on Project Runway -such a nice person and I'm always so pleased to see him on the show. Go Tim!


JBMolina said...

YEEP! You and Tim Gunn are totally BFFs! That's a wonderful drawing, by the way. I wish I had gone to a proper art school. *sigh*

ArtPropelled said...

I'm also a Project Runway fanatic and love Tim Gunn's voice. Beautiful drawing!

Alexa said...

I can just imagine Tim being such a positive force in art school! Nice to hear the image is real.