Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Studio Spaces

Julie's messy studio challenge reminded me of this Website
which shows panorama views of artist's studios. These are incredibly interesting studios (not particularly messy) and a great place to spend an hour or two visiting.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Kelly Snelling and Ruth Rae

Kelly is my online friend in California and I keep up with her regularly via her blog. It's filled with images of her art, her life, and she's an incredible photographer. She writes beautifully and openly about her life and I love her to bits!.
Kelly and Ruth have written a beautiful book on their "CHARMING EXCHANGE". It's available to pre-order on Amazon. It will be out sometime soon, but I've heard different publication dates, so I can't say when!

Kelly has some of her intricate, left of center, unique jewelry in her ETSY store here. Be sure to check out her blog and shop. Girl does it all!

There is a blog devoted to the charm exchange as well, where you can have a preview into the working process of the group who made up the exchange, as well as some photos of the pieces. I love viewing the process of artwork and this blog comes through.

I don't want to forget Ruth Rae (who I don't know, but seems as terrific as Kelly is) so please see her blog here.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

How I met Tim Gunn

I met Tim Gunn back in the day when he worked in the Dean's office of the Corcoran School of Art, now called Corcoran College of Art and Design.

When I applied to the school, my portfolio review meeting was with Tim. Here's one of the drawings I showed him. I was accepted, and that first year, whenever he saw me in the hallways, he used to say, Hello Theresa, in that now famous voice. Tim used to say Hello and use everyone's name....he must have a photographic memory. He was just as he is on Project Runway -such a nice person and I'm always so pleased to see him on the show. Go Tim!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Grand Central Station - Freezing in Place
207 Participants